12 June 2016

Welcome to the Green Table....

Mesa Verde National Park

One of the items on my 'bucket list' was to drive up Pikes Peak. This trip did not take us near Pikes Peak. But Mesa Verde N.P. will count as fulfilling that dream. In fact, the fact that this Park was not on out itinerary made it even better. We noticed the signs for Mesa Verde, (Green Table), when we were in Cortez, CO getting the oil changed. We had time, so we took a ride to this park. It was a worthwhile addition. 
After stopping at the Visitor Center and picking up a pamphlet, I noticed the park road was....'twisted'. Once we read that the park road would take us us to 8500 ft above sea level, I knew why the road was so 'twisted'. I do not recall the exact mileage of this trail, but I know it was probably the best 'drive' of this trip. The twists, turns, switchbacks, and elevation changes made me think that this must be what Pikes Peak must be like. 
One of the signs in the park showed a U-turn to the left, and warned you to slow down to 10 mph. I had to turn the steering wheel one WHOLE circle to make the turn. I know that driving the BAT on this road is different than it would have been driving ANY sports car, but I was totally satisfied enjoying the road.
When we got back to the trailer that night, every muscle in my arms, shoulders and neck were sore. Worth every ache.
Bonus: I only scared G'ma eight or twelve times. Sorry.
Besides the road, the Park was very beautiful. We even got out on the trail that took us to the top of the world!  


Official U.S Geological Survey Marker: 8572 ft above sea level. Very Cool. Very hard to reach.

"I Loves Me Some Curves"!

Next Up: Grand Canyon. 

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend from B'more out that way right now and she too relates how terrified she was on the drive up Pike's Peak. I assume the passenger doesn't know that if the driver leans all their weight to the left there is no chance of rolling off the cliff. I did the same thing to my wife up in the Blue Ridge, taking a 9'4" wide MH up and around a 9'8" wide road. Bwahahahaha she stopped talking to me for the rest of the day once i got us back on more level roads, ahhh sweet silence.

    Gotta say again beautiful country out that way, it would be a great place for nice Hobbit hole.
